"It's Up There" 2023

A new character gets designed on the fly with large eyes or goggles and a head tilt leaning forward to a future. A tiny heart on top like a cherry in front of his perception. White lines of vision extending forward still in a mechanical fashion changing composition and dimension. Digital colors spray like paint cans sweeping over broad areas. Colors working together with line and details and shadows creating depth. Slowly building a graphic narrative, atmosphere, and background. There is a direction in this line where inversely the perception is drawn first and cylindrical elements with angled walls are drawn afterwards. These funnels allude to this age of information where ideas come possibly from our back and transition through ourselves into some sort of interpretation. A line also curves back onto this person from his perception and another wraps around his arms bracing like old repeated ideas.
Here is a screenshot of some of the layering done through the Procreate software. Many times throughout the process, in order to simplify, certain layers are 'Merged' into one layer. So there might have been 10 layers to this composition at some point. These were the layers that were left at the end.

When nearing close to a finished composition, sometimes other ideas may enter the process. Usually with the ease of use in this software, multiple compositions can quickly be executed. Three compositions were made using similar elements or saved layers. Each one at the end was titled independently.

"It's Up There" 2023 first edition print was printed in 2024 in a limited series of 10. The other compositions were archived only.

"Still Trapped In Thoughts" 2023